Let's start a conversation towards creating a more hopeful and transformative future.
For many, the start of the year is a time for hope and renewal. It's a chance to set aside the struggles and challenges of the past and look towards the future with optimism and determination.

For me, the concept of a "new year" feels like a hollow, meaningless gesture in the face of the overwhelming challenges and limitations of the humanity. The idea of starting anew, of turning over a new page, feels like a cruel joke when we consider the many ways in which humanity has failed to create a more equitable, sustainable future. From environmental degradation to social injustice, from wars to political corruption, it seems that we are doomed to repeat the same mistakes, over and over again, no matter how many times we "start anew."
We can naively hope for something positive in the world. And we can reflect on the human condition pushing against the boundaries.
My new year starts now. This year I hope not to be alone with my struggles. I challenge everyone to join me in regular discussions about art and humanity.
When does your year start? Let's start a conversation about art and transformation. #art #hope #renewal #humanity #remakinghuman
Dear Ihor; I pray things become better for you and your country. It is crazy that we as humans allow ourselves to be so divided because of what we believe about ourselves. That a man is more important than a woman, that being from a certain country justifies certain destructive behaviour towards another country etc. I saw a documentary series on Chagall a while ago. Despite truly incredible struggles, wars and setbacks and poverty he survived to give us his beautiful art. I think if we work on (negative) things in our selves then it will be more easy to get rid of them in society. Last week I could feel compassion with Putin, what an incredibly bleak, awful and…
Lieve Vriend,
Laten we het leven en de mogelijke toekomst bespreken.
Mijn jaar begint elke dag, elke keer dat er een nieuwe horizon voor mijn ogen opengaat.laten we een gesprek beginnen over kunst en transformatie.