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In the blog you can read about my research on HUMANITY: transformation, identity, replacement/displacement, integration, human perception, self identification, and processing of traumatic situations. Subscribe to get to know about the new posts.

Ihor Biloushchenko
Dec 31, 20234 min read
Can We Save the Future? ...arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity… Kofi Annan (?) In recent years, we...
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Ihor Biloushchenko
Nov 30, 20233 min read
Abstracting in Shaping Our World War was and still is the most irresistible - and picturesque - news. Susan Sontag In recent months and...
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Ihor Biloushchenko
Oct 31, 20233 min read
Intense violence is something we thought we left behind as humanity. Is this just part of our nature, can we do something about it?
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Ihor Biloushchenko
Sep 29, 20234 min read
From Anthropocentrism to self demolition
Can art give the way out? I think, therefore I am René Descartes Humans are probably the only species who oscillate between the two...
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Ihor Biloushchenko
Aug 31, 20233 min read
Why do we need education? A life journey to enlightenment
We hope for education, but is education only possible in the classrooms with the supervision of often disappointed educators?
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Ihor Biloushchenko
Jul 28, 20233 min read
Unheimlich. Why Weird is Beautiful?
The text focuses on the complexities of beauty, culture, and the transformative power of art. What exactly triggers our fascination with art
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Ihor Biloushchenko
Jun 30, 20234 min read
Transforming the World: Does Art Reflect the Depths of the Human Condition?
“Art is the mirror held up to nature.” William Shakespeare Do you sometimes question the meaning of this world? What if I told you that...
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Ihor Biloushchenko
May 29, 20233 min read
Transformism. Can art transform us and inspire for change?
“The spectator is the most important element in the art of the future.” Marcel Duchamp Imagine entering a museum and seeing an...
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Ihor Biloushchenko
Apr 29, 20233 min read
Can you change the reality just by looking at it? The impact of the spectator.
In this article I research what is the impact of the spectator on the artwork and how it shapes our perception.
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Ihor Biloushchenko
Mar 30, 20234 min read
Can art ease the human condition?
In this article I discuss different ideas about the human condition. I explore whether art can help us to deal with it.
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Ihor Biloushchenko
Feb 26, 20233 min read
Who am I? Between transformation and stagnation.
Is personal identity even possible in a world where we are in constant flux?
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